Real Pockets In-the-hoop ITH machine embroidery designs in the hoop

Real Pockets In-the-hoop

Instructions by Artapli


Colors NR 1, 2, 3 - scissors design inside the pocket

Color NR 4 - The pocket placement guideline, pause machine and lay the folder fabric in half right inside the shape

Color NR 5 -The pocket fabric tack down seam, pause machine and trim the fabric

Colors NR 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 POcket satin stitch and elements. 

How  do i did it? 

Hoop fabric with an item where should be embroidered the pocket, sew the colors 1, 2 and 3 - scissors design inside the pocket and the pocket placement guideline

Pause machine and lay the folded fabric in half right inside the shape

Sew the pocket fabric tack down seam

Pause machine and trim the fabric

Attach hoop back and complete with the design: Needle and measurement tape

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